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Written by Jorn

What's a CI + module?

A CI+ module is a module in which you can put the smart card of your provider to receive digital TV. Providers of cable television, like Ziggo, often also offer their service with the use of a CI+ module. This way, you don't need a separate decoder to watch digital TV. You can read what a CI+ module is, how it works, and what you can use a CI+ module for here.

What's a CI + module?

What's a CI+ module

With a CI+ module, you can receive digital TV from your provider without a separate decoder. A CI+ module is a compact module, in which you can put the smart card of your provider. Next, put the module in the CI input of your TV. Almost all televisions have this input. do you want to receive digital TV with a CI+ module? You'll need the following:

  • Coax antenna cable
  • Coax socket
  • Subscription to digital TV via the cable
  • Smart card of your TV provider
  • CI+ module
  • Television with a CI+ module

When do you use a CI+ module?

When do you use a CI+ module?

In the Netherlands, various providers offer a smart card for in a CI+ module. If you don't want a separate decoder for your TV, a CI+ module is a nice solution to save space. You only need a single coax cable to watch channels on your TV. This way, your television can receive the signal for digital TV. The most popular provider for CI+ modules is Ziggo.

Is my TV suitable for a CI+ module?

Is my TV suitable for a CI+ module?

Before you buy a CI+ module or TV to watch digital TV, it's important to check if the TV is suitable. That depends on which TV you have and where you live. You can check with your provider if you can use a CI+ module. On the Ziggo website, you can check if a Ziggo smart card is suitable for your TV and for where you live.

Why doesn't my CI+ module work?

Why doesn't my CI module work?

Did you install the CI+ module, but doesn't the TV recognize the module? Or don't you receive any channels? Check if your TV is suitable to receive digital TV in your location with a smart card, and contact your provider. It's also important that your CI+ module isn't too old. If you have a 1.2 version CI+ module, it doesn't work anymore with most providers. You need a CI+ module of version 1.3 or higher to watch digital TV.


With a CI+ module, you can watch digital TV of your provider, without a separate decoder. That's useful if you want to save space near your television. There are a few things to keep in mind when you choose a television to watch digital TV with a CI+ module. Not all TVs are suitable for your provider, and the availability of digital TV also depends on your location.

Article by:
Jorn Television Expert.
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