Smart home in our store in Amsterdam Zuidas
Smart home in our store in Amsterdam Zuidas
- 33 results
Before you come to the store, you want to know which products there are. We completely understand, so we've listed them all. On this page, you'll find all the smart home products you can test in Amsterdam Zuidas.
Our choice for a splash proof WiFi speaker.
| Compact (10 - 20cm)
| Splash proof
Affordable Second Chance
Our choice for a 4K IP camera for outdoors
For indoor and outdoor use
| Internal memory
| Plug and play setup
Wireless and wired
| Without subscription
| QHD (1440p)
Smart doorbell
| 2-way audio and image
| Receiver on smartphone and HomeBase
For indoors
| Cloud, SD card
| Setup: plug and play
Our choice for a first smart lights pack
White and Color
| E27 filament
| Interior lighting
Color: gray | wireless | review footage before event
| Subscription required for full use
| Full HD (1080p)