Update September 2024: There's a lot of news about solar panels. We've listed everything for you. Read more

Solar panels

Sunny side up.

Solar panels

Sunny side up.

The best solar roof for you

Save an average of € 1000,- per year
Installation by our own certified experts
No savingsneeded
Also want to know what your roof can generate for you?

Want to earn money with solar panels from Coolblue Energy too?

If you choose solar panels from Coolblue Energy, we'll safely install your solar panels on your roof within 1 month. This way, you can quickly enjoy your own green energy from your solar roof and save on average € 1000 annually.

What you need to know about solar panels in August 2024

Save energy with a smile

Is choosing solar panels now a good idea?

Family having lunch outside in the garden

Yes, the net-metering regulation will stay until at least 2027. Until then, you can still benefit from the advantages. That's because your payback period is shorter. There are 3 reasons why you should get a solar roof now:

  • You save an average of € 1000 on your annual energy bill right away, because you generate green energy yourself.
  • Now, you're sure of the net-metering regulation. This means you can offset the energy you generated to your total energy consumption. At Coolblue Energy, you can now also choose a 3-year energy contract with low feed-in costs.
  • The value of your house increases right away. With the latest solar panels, you also earn back 14% of your investment per year.
Personal advice, also by appointment
  • Save an average of € 1000,- per year
  • Installation by our own certified experts
  • No savingsneeded

How much does your solar roof generate?

Energy consumption

First, we'll look at your yearly power consumption and your wishes. For example, are you going to drive an electric car or are you buying a heat pump? We'll take that into account.

Number of solar panels

According to your situation, we'll decide how many panels suit your situation. We'll also look at the size of your roof.

How many solar panels do you need?

Price indication

How much solar panels cost depends on which inverter and panels suit your situation.

What do solar panels cost?

Annual yield

In the annual yield, we'll take the current electricity rate and the possible feed-in costs into account. For this example, we'll calculate with an average electricity rate of € 0.34 in 2023. In addition, we'll take the average generation of 0.83kWh per Watt peak into account.

Feed-in costs

At Coolblue Energy, you pay an extra, fixed amount of € 17.50 per month. If you generate more than 5000kWh, the fixed amount increases to up to € 57.50 per month. How much feed-in costs you pay, differs per energy supplier. Even with feed-in costs, you earn back your solar panels faster than a couple of years ago.

Are solar panels still worthwhile with feed-in costs?

Energy consumption

First, we'll look at your yearly power consumption and your wishes. For example, are you going to drive an electric car or are you buying a heat pump? We'll take that into account.

Number of solar panels

According to your situation, we'll decide how many panels suit your situation. We'll also look at the size of your roof.

How many solar panels do you need?

Price indication

How much solar panels cost depends on which inverter and panels suit your situation.

What do solar panels cost?

Annual yield

In the annual yield, we'll take the current electricity rate and the possible feed-in costs into account. For this example, we'll calculate with an average electricity rate of € 0.34 in 2023. In addition, we'll take the average generation of 0.83kWh per Watt peak into account.

Are solar panels still worthwhile with feed-in costs?

Feed-in costs

At Coolblue Energy, you pay an extra, fixed amount of € 17.50 per month. If you generate more than 5000kWh, the fixed amount increases to up to € 57.50 per month. How much feed-in costs you pay, differs per energy supplier. Even with feed-in costs, you earn back your solar panels faster than a couple of years ago.

Are solar panels still worthwhile with feed-in costs?

Energy consumption

First, we'll look at your yearly power consumption and your wishes. For example, are you going to drive an electric car or are you buying a heat pump? We'll take that into account.

Number of solar panels

According to your situation, we'll decide how many panels suit your situation. We'll also look at the size of your roof.

How many solar panels do you need?

Price indication

How much solar panels cost depends on which inverter and panels suit your situation.

What do solar panels cost?

Annual yield

In the annual yield, we'll take the current electricity rate and the possible feed-in costs into account. For this example, we'll calculate with an average electricity rate of € 0.34 in 2023. In addition, we'll take the average generation of 0.83kWh per Watt peak into account.

Are solar panels still worthwhile with feed-in costs?

Feed-in costs

At Coolblue Energy, you pay an extra, fixed amount of € 17.50 per month. If you generate more than 5000kWh, the fixed amount increases to up to € 57.50 per month. How much feed-in costs you pay, differs per energy supplier. Even with feed-in costs, you earn back your solar panels faster than a couple of years ago.

Are solar panels still worthwhile with feed-in costs?

Energy consumption

First, we'll look at your yearly power consumption and your wishes. For example, are you going to drive an electric car or are you buying a heat pump? We'll take that into account.

Number of solar panels

According to your situation, we'll decide how many panels suit your situation. We'll also look at the size of your roof.

How many solar panels do you need?

Price indication

How much solar panels cost depends on which inverter and panels suit your situation.

What do solar panels cost?

Annual yield

In the annual yield, we'll take the current electricity rate and the possible feed-in costs into account. For this example, we'll calculate with an average electricity rate of € 0.34 in 2023. In addition, we'll take the average generation of 0.83kWh per Watt peak into account.

Are solar panels still worthwhile with feed-in costs?

Feed-in costs

At Coolblue Energy, you pay an extra, fixed amount of € 17.50 per month. If you generate more than 5000kWh, the fixed amount increases to up to € 57.50 per month. How much feed-in costs you pay, differs per energy supplier. Even with feed-in costs, you earn back your solar panels faster than a couple of years ago.

Are solar panels still worthwhile with feed-in costs?

Energy consumption

First, we'll look at your yearly power consumption and your wishes. For example, are you going to drive an electric car or are you buying a heat pump? We'll take that into account.

Number of solar panels

According to your situation, we'll decide how many panels suit your situation. We'll also look at the size of your roof.

How many solar panels do you need?

Price indication

How much solar panels cost depends on which inverter and panels suit your situation.

What do solar panels cost?

Annual yield

In the annual yield, we'll take the current electricity rate and the possible feed-in costs into account. For this example, we'll calculate with an average electricity rate of € 0.34 in 2023. In addition, we'll take the average generation of 0.83kWh per Watt peak into account.

Are solar panels still worthwhile with feed-in costs?

Feed-in costs

At Coolblue Energy, you pay an extra, fixed amount of € 17.50 per month. If you generate more than 5000kWh, the fixed amount increases to up to € 57.50 per month. How much feed-in costs you pay, differs per energy supplier. Even with feed-in costs, you earn back your solar panels faster than a couple of years ago.

Are solar panels still worthwhile with feed-in costs?

Finance your solar panels: buy or loan?

Your own solar roof in 5 steps

Your own solar roof in 5 steps

You can have your own solar roof from Coolblue Energy in a couple of steps, so you can generate your own green energy.

    1. Request a quote for free
    1. We'll call you for an advice appointment
    1. Go through your quote
    1. We'll prepare the installation together
    1. We'll install your solar roof

Solar panels

Bright idea.

Solar panels

Bright idea.

Curious about your solar roof?

Save an average of € 1000,- per year
Installation by our own certified experts
No savingsneeded
Also want to know what your roof can generate for you?

Want to know more?

Our high-end solar panels assortment

Frequently asked questions about solar panels

Questions Shed some light.
Questions Shed some light.

What do solar panels cost including installation?

Solar panels cost about € 4408 to € 5714 in 2024. For this calculation, we assume a roof with 10 good-quality solar panels. What you need to pay for your solar roof precisely depends on your wishes and what best suits your situation. Our advisors are happy to help you during a consultation without any obligations.

What's the payback period of solar panels?

You earn back an average solar roof with 10 panels within 5 to 7 years. We calculate the payback period based on the total price, your power consumption, and the position of your roof. Solar panels last about 25 years.

How many solar panels do I need?

How many solar panels you need depends on your power consumption, the total power of the solar panels, and your roof. We recommend about 10 solar panels for a standard household of 4 people.

Which loans can I choose for solar panels?

You don't have to pay your entire solar roof with your own funds in one go. You can also choose for various loans from organizations or your bank. You can't rent solar panels from Coolblue Energy. We noticed that this is more expensive than when you pay for your own solar panels, which we think isn't fair to our customers.

Are solar panels still affordable?

Yes, absolutely! Solar panels are more affordable than ever, even if there's a lot going on in the solar panel market. Thanks to the low purchase costs, you earn back your solar roof faster and you save a lot on your energy bill. In addition, the value of your home increases right away.

What warranties do I get with Coolblue Energy?

We're happy to help you during every step, also after the installation. We'll give you a 10-year installation warranty on your solar roof. Coolblue Energy remains your only contact person. Does something break during that time? We'll replace your solar panels, inverter(s), and part of the cables for free. You don't have to pay the call-out costs. Even after the 10 years, you can always call us.