
How can we help you?.

I have district heating, can I also contact you?

Yes, but only for your energy. We don't manage district heating.

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What will happen when I switch?

1. Supply agreement

You'll receive your agreement that contains all the agreements we have made with each other, including your monthly installment amount. The withdrawal period starts from the moment we sent it. You have a 14-day return window during which you can cancel your agreement free of charge.

2. Cancel current contract

We'll cancel the contract with your old supplier as soon as the cooling-off period has expired. If you haven't indicated a date for the switch, you'll switch to us about 6 weeks after your registration. Check the expiry date of your current contract yourself, so you avoid a possible cancellation fine. Didn't take this into account when you filled out your registration form? You can contact our customer service. They'll adjust the start date of your contract.

3. First payment

Soon after your registration, you receive an iDEAL payment request via email for your first invoice. Pay this 3 days before your contract starts at the latest. We don't think it'll happen, but what if we don't receive the first payment on time? We'll have to move the date on which the supply agreement starts. We can also dissolve the supply agreement, with a possible fine as a result.

4. Meter readings

In the week before we start supplying, we automatically read your meter readings from a smart meter. Don't have one? We'll ask you to pass them on yourself. This way, you avoid having to estimate your meter reading and your installment amounts being wrong.

5. Delivery

Were all of the steps above completed successfully? Great! That means your switch to Coolblue Energy is complete and we can start supplying energy. You'll receive the final settlement from your old supplier within 6 weeks after your switch.

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Why do I see ServiceHouse B.V. on all my documents?

Coolblue Energy is a trade name of ServiceHouse B.V. In other words, you conclude your energy contract with ServiceHouse B.V. with reseller Coolblue Energy. We do this because Coolblue B.V. doesn't have an ACM license.

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Does Coolblue Energy have an app?

Yes, in the Coolblue App. Log in and go to 'Energy and gas' via your profile. You'll find everything on your energy contract and your energy consumption here.

Read everything on Coolblue Energy in the Coolblue App here.

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Where can I submit my complaint?

We're sorry that you're not completely satisfied. Please don't hesitate to contact our customer service and we'll look for a suitable solution together.

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Can I view your flow label?

Since 2004, all energy suppliers are required to provide customers with information about the electricity supplied. We do this via the flow label, which shows how the power is composed and where it comes from. You can also easily see whether your electricity is sustainable or not.

You can find our flow label by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.

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When and how can I log in to My Coolblue Energy?

After you've received a supply agreement from us, you'll quickly receive an activation email for My Coolblue Energy. From that moment on, you can adjust your personal information and installment amount (with up to 20%) yourself.

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How do I receive my gift credit at Coolblue?

You'll receive the credit on your personal Coolblue account within 4 months after you start purchasing energy from us. We also check whether your first 2 payments have been successful and can't be reversed.

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What's a standard annual consumption?

The standard annual consumption is the expected annual consumption for electricity and gas on 1 connection in a standard year. This is determined by the last measured consumption over a year. In the case of new construction, the network operator estimates the consumption. The consumption is kept in a register, which energy suppliers also have insight into. After entering your estimated consumption, we check it in this register. That's why the proposed installment amount in your supply agreement is sometimes slightly different from your estimate.

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My complaint isn't resolved yet despite contacting the customer service. What now?

We hope that we can come to a good solution together of course, but would you still prefer independent advice? Submit your complaint to the Geschillencommissie or the Geschillencommissie Prijsplafond.

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When will I receive my welcome bonus?

This will be settled as a discount on your annual accounts at the end of the year of your contract. You'll receive this if you registered via a different website. Did you register on our website? You'll receive the gift you chose (CoolblueCredit or a saving package). You can find more information about this in the other Q&As and the registration emails.

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Where can I find information about energy in the Coolblue app?

Not logged in yet? Log in with the email address you used when registering for your energy contract first. Click on 'Profile' and then on 'Coolblue Energy' under the heading 'More'.

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