Dynamic Hourly Rates

How can we help you?.

What rate do I get for feed-in?

With your solar panels, you can sometimes generate more than you currently consume. The portion that remains is returned to the power grid. You receive the same hourly rate that you would pay if you used power from the grid. So you'll receive the applicable market price, purchase fee, and energy tax including VAT. We settle the feed-in in the monthly invoice. This means that you receive compensation in August for the electricity you supplied in July.

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How high is my feed-in tariff?

Have you supplied more electricity than you consumed after 12 months? With dynamic electricity, you receive the volume-weighted average market price for the surplus of feed-in. You're not entitled to a tax payment, because you can no longer net-meter this surplus (deduct against consumption). We paid these taxes on the monthly invoice during the 12 months. We process and settle this on the annual or final invoice.

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Can I also buy gas with a dynamic energy contract?

Yes, you can choose from 2 types of gas contracts in addition to dynamic electricity on the registration page: variable or 1-year fixed.

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What's the term of my contract?

For dynamic electricity, your contract is for an indefinite period. You can cancel at any time without a cancellation fee if you want something else. Do you also have gas? Look at your delivery agreement. In case of a dynamic contract, the term is for an indefinite period of time. With a 1-year fixed contract, the term is 1 year.

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I'm switching! What can I expect?

1. Confirmation of your contract

If you chose a dynamic energy contract, we'll first process your registration. You'll receive a confirmation that we're looking at your registration. As soon as we did that, you'll receive an email with your delivery agreement. You can find all information on your contract, the terms, and the confirmation of the start date here.

2. Reading your smart meter

We'll double check that your smart meter works and that we can read your hourly consumption. If this doesn't work, we'll send you a message about this. You'll also receive a letter from your network operator to let you know that we'll read your meter readings.

3. Your old energy contract

We'll cancel your energy contract with your old energy supplier. You don't have to do anything for this yourself. Does your contract with the old energy supplier still run for a certain period of time? You can still contact us, but you may be subject to a cancellation ticket. So, it's better to have your new contract take effect on the end date of your old contract.

You might still receive money from your old energy supplier, or you might still have to pay. This will be settled on the final settlement of your old supplier. You'll receive a final settlement from your old supplier after about 6 weeks.

  • Already a Coolblue Energy customer? We'll also cancel your old contract and you'll receive a new contract for dynamic energy. You'll receive a final settlement for your old contract as described above.

4. The first payment

If you only buy dynamic electricity from us, you always pay afterwards. This means that if the first delivery is on 15 September, the first payment of your monthly amount will be in October, for example. You'll receive this invoice via email.

If you also buy gas from us, you'll receive your first installment invoice for gas right after your registration confirmation. You always pay for gas in advance. The amount may differ slightly from your normal installment amount in the first month, because the first period may be slightly longer or shorter than a regular month.

  • Even if you're already a Coolblue Energy customer, you pay the installment amount of the first month of gas in advance. That's because you have a new contract with us. So, you may already have paid for your old energy contract in advance. We'll pay this back to you, we promise.

5. Yay! We're going to supply dynamic electricity

Yes! It's your start date. Starting today, you have dynamic hourly rates for electricity. You'll receive a confirmation email from us the day before. Starting today, you can view your consumption and dynamic electricity rates in the Coolblue App and in My Coolblue.

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What are Dynamic Hourly Rates and what do I need for it?

Dynamic Hourly Rates is a contract with dynamic electricity prices. You then pay the hourly rate for power. The hourly rate is based on the purchase price of power at that time. If a lot of wind and solar energy is generated, the hourly rate is low. The same can be done the other way around: if little wind and solar energy is generated, the hourly rate can be high. Because prices fluctuate, you can save up to 25% by smartly timing your consumption.

All you need for dynamic electricity is a smart meter. Do you receive an overview of your consumption every month from your current energy supplier? You have a smart meter.

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Where can I view the dynamic price?

You can find this in the latest version of the Coolblue App and on My Coolblue under 'Coolblue Energy'. The hourly rates are made available 1 day in advance at 14:30 at the latest.

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How does net-metering work with dynamic electricity?

We net-meter dynamic electricity on an annual basis. At the end of the year, you're entitled to a refund of the energy tax for the electricity you redelivered, up to a maximum of your consumption in that same year. For example: did you consume 2000kWh, but feed in 2500kWh to the power grid? You'll get the taxes back up to 2000kWh.

Your hourly feed-in rate is always based on the market price. It's possible that you receive a different rate on average for the feed-in than you pay for the delivery.

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How does my monthly amount work?

With Dynamic Hourly Rates, you always pay for your power afterwards, based on your actual consumption and the actual prices of the past month. So, this amount can differ per month. Do you also have gas? You pay a fixed amount for gas every month, as you're used to.

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How quickly can I switch?

You can switch after 24 days. Do you currently have a fixed contract with an end date? Make sure that you set the start date of your dynamic contract 1 day after the end of your current contract. This way, you avoid a ticket from your old energy supplier.

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Do I need to arrange something with my old energy supplier?

We'll cancel your old contract for you. So, you don't have to do anything.

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