Meter readings
How can we help you?.
Where can I see my opening meter readings?
If you have a conventional meter, we asked you to provide us with your meter readings at the start of the delivery. If you've done this, we've sent you an automatic confirmation email containing the opening meter readings.
Have a smart meter?
In that case, the opening meter readings are only shown on your annual or final settlement under readings and consumption.
Why do I have to report my meter readings so often?
Your meter readings are the base of your energy bill. That's why you were asked for your readings before your contract started. After the first time, you'll receive an annual request to prepare the annual statement. That's why we ask you for your meter readings when you move and before the final statement. It's important that you read your meter quickly after our request. If you don't do this, we have to estimate your consumption. Our estimate can differ from your actual situation. The estimated amounts are binding. It's possible that you then have to pay us too much. That's unfortunate, so provide us with your meter readings soon after the request.
Can I send in my meter readings at a later time?
If you wait too long, we'll have to make an estimate based on your average annual consumption.
I've submitted incorrect meter readings, what now?
That isn't a problem. You can still adjust your meter readings up to 3 months after the email has been sent. You can contact customer service via email or telephone.
If the new readings affect your advance payment or annual invoice, we'll settle this in a separate correction invoice.
I have a smart meter, why do I have to report my meter readings?
We weren't able to read your meter remotely. This is probably due to an error in your meter or because we don't have permission to read your meter. That's why you've received an email to provide us with your meter readings.
What should I do if my smart meter malfunctions?
It's best to contact your network operator.
You won't receive an Energy Consumption Overview
Because we were unable to read your meter readings, you won't receive an Energy Consumption Overview. You also won't see your energy consumption in My Coolblue Energy. As soon as we can read your meter readings again, you'll receive consumption overviews again.
How do I report my meter readings?
Via the link in your email
If you receive an email from us requesting that you provide meter readings, you can do so by clicking the link in the email. You'll automatically be redirected to the page where you can submit these meter readings.
Where can I find my meter readings?
The gas meter is often rectangular and you can recognize it by the cubic meters (m3). Don't confuse it with the water meter, that's usually in a different spot and has a round hatch. You only have to provide us with the numbers before the comma on the gas meter. So, not the part in red.
- The traditional three-phase meter has 1 or 2 counters, with 2 being the most common. This means you have to make sure you provide the correct meter reading at normal hours and the correct meter reading at off-peak times.
- The electronic consumption meter sometimes has up to 4 counters. Of these, 2 counters are for consumption in normal hours and off-peak times and the other 2 counters are for energy supplied in normal and off-peak times. Depending on your specific situation, you'll be asked to provide 2 or 4 meter readings.
Note: electronic consumption meters can display the meter readings differently. Some meters show 2 or more readings, other meters only show 1 reading and allow you to switch between different readings with a button. The remotely readable smart meter works like an electronic consumption meter, but also has the option to be read remotely.
Can I see my meter readings in the portal?
No Your meter readings aren't shown in the portal.
When do I have to report my meter readings?
Have a smart meter?
Nice! We automatically read these remotely, so you don't have to do anything. We only ask you to provide your meter readings if the smart meter is not readable.
New at Coolblue Energy?
You'll automatically receive a request to report your meter readings. We'll do this about 1 week before we start delivering. This is necessary because the meter readings that you share with us are the starting point for calculating your consumption.
Reporting meter readings for your annual statement or final settlement
About 1 year after your last meter reading, we'll ask you for new meter readings. We do this so we can calculate the correct consumption. Did you pay too much? You'll get a refund. Didn't pay enough? We'll ask you to pay the remaining amount.
Reporting meter readings when you move
In order to register your move, we'll ask you to report your meter readings. You'll receive a request to fill out your meter readings for the home you're leaving. This is necessary to prepare the final settlement for the old address. We'll also ask for the meter readings of your new home to mark a starting point for the readings in your new home.
Reporting meter readings for a change in rates
The government requires us to request your meter readings with every rate change. Rates can change if you have a variable rate or when a contract is extended, for example.
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