A quick refresher course: saving energy in the fall

There are many things you can do to save energy during fall and winter. Today, we'll list the easiest tips to start saving energy now without any large spendings. How easy!

Remember these?

Sometimes, a refresher is great. Today, we'll give you 4 tips on easily and quickly saving energy. Do you know them all?

  • Tip 1: turn down the heating 1°C
  • Tip 2: dress warmly
  • Tip 3: close the curtains
  • Tip 4: ventilate your home well

Tip 1: turn down the heating 1°C

Saving energy heating thermostat

This can quickly save over € 100 per year. The difference between 21°C and 20°C is also barely noticeable. Leaving your home? Turn the heating down to 15°C. This can save you € 170 annually on average. Still a bit cold? With some candles, you can heat up the space and provide some extra ambiance. Win-win.

Tip 2: dress warmly

Are you cold? Get your slippers from the attic, put on your thickest socks, and look for your coziest sweater. When you're clothes more warmly, turning the the heating a degree is easier. And that saves energy.

Tip 3: close the curtains

Cold air enters your home via crevices and windows. When you close the curtains and blinds at night, the cold air will stay behind it. This keeps your room warm and helps consume less energy.

Tip 4: ventilate your home well

Ventilating saving energy heating

Did you know that dry air heats up much better than humid air? By ventilating your home for half an hour every day, humid air can escape. This also prevents mold in various places, like your windowsill.

Want to save even more energy? As a Coolblue Energy customer, you get a discount on our favorite energy-efficient products. You can find them in the Save-in-Store.

Article by:
Bente Savings expert.