Written by Marijn

Are solar panels still worthwhile with feed-in costs?

Because the net-metering regulation stays in place, more and more energy suppliers are charging feed-in costs for customers with solar panels. Coolblue Energy as well. This means you pay a monthly fee for your solar power feed-in. In this article, we'll tell you about these feed-in costs and what they mean for you.

Why feed-in costs?

Why feed-in costs?

Thanks to the net-metering regulation, you can offset the energy you buy from your energy supplier against the energy you feed back with your solar panels. This means you get a fixed amount for the energy you feed back. In practice, the value of energy differs way more. Power is more affordable on a sunny afternoon when everyone is feeding back at the same time, than at night. As a result, energy suppliers have more costs. To divide these costs evenly, they ask for feed-in costs from customers with solar panels.

How do feed-in costs work?

Customer on phone

Energy suppliers do this in different ways. Some make an estimated calculation of how much energy you feed back each year, others charge feed-in costs per kilowatt hour you feed back. At Coolblue Energy, we ask a higher amount of fixed supply costs per month of € 17.50. In total, you pay € 25 for energy. Do you generate more than 5000kWh? These fixed costs can increase up to € 57.50 per month.

Solar panels are still a good idea

Coolblue solar panel installation

Due to these monthly costs, the payback period is slightly longer. You'll still earn back solar panels faster than a few years ago. In the table on this page, we show the payback period with and without feed-in costs. We calculate with an average energy price of € 0.34 and an annual generation of 0.83kWh. This shows that you can still quickly save on your energy bill with solar panels.

Calculation payback period

Without feed-in costs With feed-in costs
Energy consumption and generation 3500kWh 3500kWh
Number of solar panels 10 10
Power per panel 430Wp 430Wp
Price indication € 4408 - € 5714 € 4408 - € 5714
Feed-in costs € 17.50 per month extra
Annual yield € 1213 € 1003
Payback period 3.6 - 4.7 years 4.4 - 5.7 years

Honest and personal advice, including calculation feed-in costs

Honest and personal advice, including calculation feed-in costs

At Coolblue Energy, we're happy to give you advice on the best solar roof for you. We'll take a look at your situation and wishes and show how many panels fit on your roof. We also calculate your yield based on the energy prices and feed-in costs of your energy suppliers. We'll give personal advice, even when a solar roof doesn't suit you. Request a free advice appointment without obligations.

Article by:
Marijn Solar Panel Expert.