Written by Marijn

What's an inverter?

An inverter converts solar power into usable power for your home appliances. We also call the inverter the heart of your solar roof. In this article, you can read exactly how this works, what types there are, and which inverter suits you best.

What does an inverter do?

What does an inverter do?

We call the power you generate with solar panels direct current. Your TV, dryer, or fridge don't run on this type of power, but on alternating current. An inverter helps with this and converts direct current into alternating current. After, the inverter transfers this power to your fuse box which divides the power over the appliances in your home. This way, your appliances can run on the generated solar power.

Little shade on your roof: series inverter

Growatt inverter

Do you have a lot of sun on your roof? In most cases, we recommend a series inverter. We connect the solar panels in 1 circuit with 1 central inverter. We also call this a series-connected solar roof. We mount the inverter in your house, preferably as close to the solar roof as possible.

Shade on your roof: micro inverter

Coolbluer with Enphase micro inverter

If you have a lot of shade on your roof, micro inverters are a good choice. This type of inverter is located behind each panel, so your solar panels generate power individually. This way, it doesn't matter if one or more panels are in the shade.

What's the best place for an inverter?

Coolbluer with Growatt inverter

We prefer to place the central inverter in the attic. This way, the distance between the panels and the inverter is the smallest. This way, you don't lose any solar power. In addition, an inverter needs space for ventilation and can make some noise. The sound is similar to the buzz of a fridge. Are you choosing a solar roof with micro inverters? We then place inverters on your roof, directly behind the panel.

Best inverter for you

Coolblue customer service employee

To determine which inverter is best for your situation, we'll look at your roof. We check how much sun you get, how many panels fit on your roof, and how much power covers your energy consumption. Want to know which inverter is best for your solar roof? Our advisors are happy to help you. Request an advice appointment without obligations with us.

Article by:
Marijn Solar Panel Expert.