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Juicer attachment for stand mixers

Juicer attachment for stand mixers

  • 2 juicers for stand mixers

One of the most common attachments for stand mixers are juicers. This accessory is ideal if you want to juice fruit and vegetables for a smoothie or soup, for example. Keep in mind that not every juicer fits on every food processor.

KitchenAid 5KSM1JA Slowjuicer Juicer attachment for stand mixer
Suitable for all KitchenAid stand mixers, except the Artisan Bowl-Lift models. | For juices, smoothies, and compotes. | Propulsion not dishwasher-safe, parts are.
Temporarily sold out
Kenwood AT641 Juicer Juicer attachment for stand mixer
Suitable for Kenwood Chef models | For vegetables and fruit juices | Not dishwasher-safe
Delivered tomorrow
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