Built-in fridge freezer combinations
Built-in fridge freezer combinations
- 22 fridges
A built-in fridge freezer combination has a fridge compartment and a freezer compartment. A built-in fridge with a freezer always has 2 doors. You can place the fridge in the niche in your kitchen. That's why it's very important to accurately measure the niche dimensions to make sure the built-in fridge freezer fits. Keep the type of door hinge in mind as well. It's best to choose the same door system as your old fridge. This is either a door-on-door system or a sliding door system. The built-in fridge freezer combination has 2 doors and it's important that you accurately measure the dimensions of these door panels. Otherwise, your freezer door will open when you're only trying to open the fridge, or vice versa.