Written by Marijn

What's dynamic energy?

With a dynamic energy contract, you pay a price for energy that's based on the purchase price of that moment. The dynamic price keeps changing, so you no longer pay a fixed amount. On this page, we'll explain how this works.

What's dynamic energy?

Coolblue Energy contracts

With dynamic energy, you pay the price of the power and gas of that moment. What that price is exactly, depends on the supply and demand of the energy market. We use more energy in the evening when we come home from a day at work, for example. The demand is higher then, so the gas power plants step in and the price rises. Another example is the supply of green energy. We generate energy affordably on sunny days, which results in a lower price. This way, prices vary the entire time.

Now also at Coolblue Energy: Dynamic Hourly Rates. We only offer a dynamic contract for electricity.

Advantages and disadvantages listed

Saving energy with a dynamic energy contract
  • Your average monthly amount is lower than with fixed or variable contracts, thanks to a lower purchase price.
  • When the prices drop, you pay less for energy and gas.
  • You earn money when the energy prices are negative.
  • You don't have a cancellation fee.
  • You don't have a fixed monthly amount for electricity and gas, so you sometimes have to pay a lower or higher amount.
  • You need a smart meter.
  • When the prices rise, you have to pay more for electricity and gas.
  • With solar panels, there's a chance you feed back energy when the price is low.

How do you take out a dynamic energy contract?

Take out a dynamic energy contract

To take out a dynamic energy contract, you need a smart meter. You use this to measure your energy consumption and automatically send this information to your energy supplier. Your energy supplier then knows exactly how much energy you use or supply during a certain hour and which dynamic price you pay or receive for it. The supplier charges this to your monthly bill.

What does the price consist of?

Prices dynamic energy contract

A dynamic energy rate (per kWh and per m3) consists of the purchase price, energy taxes, and often a purchase fee. The purchase price is the market price of energy. This is the same for every dynamic energy supplier. The purchase fee covers costs for trade costs like Guarantees of Origin. You also pay fixed delivery costs and network energy costs, just like with variable energy contracts.

Save with your dynamic energy contract

Saving with energy contracts

The Vereniging van Dynamische Energieleveranciers researched the differences between dynamic and variable energy contracts in 2023. If you compare a variable energy contract to a dynamic energy contract, dynamic is up to 56% more affordable. The households with a dynamic energy contract saved € 1127 on average compared to households with variable contracts. They calculated this based on a household with an annual consumption of 2900kWh.

You save a lot when the price is low and you use the dynamic energy prices in a smart way. That's because you pay an 'insurance premium' to your energy supplier when you have fixed and variable rates, which means you pay a fixed price. You don't pay this premium with dynamic rates, so you often pay less.

Article by:
Marijn Energy Expert.