Insight into consumption
Monthly consumption overview
If you have a smart meter, you receive a monthly Energy Consumption Overview as a Coolblue Energy customer. Here, you can find your energy consumption of the previous month, a comparison to the consumption of a comparable household, and savings tips. With our savings tips, you can start saving today.
My Coolblue Energy
As a Coolblue Energy customer, you can easily manage your energy matters yourself in My Coolblue Energy. In this personal environment, we'll give you insight into your consumption and you can adjust your installment amount. You can also easily adjust your personal information or new address.
Smart meter
With a smart meter, we can read your energy consumption remotely. This way, you don't have to do anything and we can provide you with a monthly insight into your energy consumption. This makes it even easier to save energy. Does your smart meter malfunction? Notify your network operator.