Kobo e-readers
Kobo e-readers
- 17 e-readers
You can read all your favorite books an a Kobo e-reader. The E-ink screen is gentle on your eyes and reads like paper. You can easily take the water-resistant Kobo Clara and Kobo Libra on the go. That's useful if you're reading on the train or at the pool. Images in your books come to life on the color screen. Want a larger screen? You can read more text on 1 page and turn pages less often on the Kobo Sage. Go for the large Elipsa 2E if you often take notes and read lots of documents. Protect your Kobo e-reader with a cover.
Advice on Kobo e-readers
- 4 tips if your Kobo e-reader doesn't connect to your computer
- Compare the Kobo Clara 2E to the Kobo Nia
- Compare the Kobo Elipsa to the Kobo Libra 2 and Kobo Sage
- Compare the Kobo Libra 2 with the Kobo Libra H2O
- Compare the old and new Kobo H2O
- Comparison between Kobo Clara HD, Libra H2O, and Forma
- How do you put books on a Kobo e-reader?
- How do you set up a Kobo e-reader?