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Digital notepads

Digital notepads

  • 11 digital notepads

You can make sketches and notes on a digital notepad. There are digital notepads from several brands like PocketBook or reMarkable. You can easily read documents in various file formats like EPUB or PDF on your digital notepad. There are also digital notepads you can put books on. This way, you have an e-reader and drawing tablet in 1. There are various accessories for your digital notepad, like a keyboard cover or charger. Choose a keyboard cover to type notes and protect your digital notepad.

ReMarkable Paper Pro with Book Case Leather Black Digital notepad
English | Book case, Stylus | Color screen
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ReMarkable Paper Pro with Book Case Basalt Digital notepad
English | Book case, Stylus | Color screen
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ReMarkable Paper Pro Digital notepad
English | Stylus | Color screen
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ReMarkable 2 with Book Case Gray Digital notepad
Multiple languages can be configured | Book case, Stylus | None color screen
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ReMarkable with Leather Book Case Leather Black Digital notepad
Multiple languages can be configured | Book case, Stylus | None color screen
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ReMarkable 2 with Book Case Gray + BlueBuilt Charger Digital notepad
Multiple languages can be configured | Book case, Stylus | None color screen
643,99 639,-
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ReMarkable 2 with Book Case Leather Black + BlueBuilt Charger Digital notepad
Multiple languages can be configured | Book case, Stylus | None color screen
673,99 669,-
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ReMarkable 2 Digital notepad
Multiple languages can be configured | Stylus | None color screen
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PocketBook Inkpad X Pro Digital notepad
0 reviews
Multiple languages can be configured | No accessories | None color screen
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PocketBook InkPad Eo Digital notepad
Multiple languages can be configured | No accessories | Color screen
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ReMarkable 2 + BlueBuilt Charger Digital notepad
Multiple languages can be configured | Stylus | None color screen
523,99 519,-
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