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Blood pressure monitors for your wrist

Blood pressure monitors for your wrist

  • 4 blood pressure monitors

A wrist blood pressure monitor is easily attached by attaching the cuff to your wrist. Make sure to hold the cuff at the level of your heart during the measurement. If you don't keep your wrist up, the measurement is less accurate and reliable. It's best to buy a wrist blood pressure monitor if you're able to keep your hand high for a little longer. The compact size makes the wrist blood pressure monitor very user-friendly and you can easily take it with you.

Omron RS7 Intelli IT Blood pressure gauge for wrist
Compatible with smartphone / apps | None AFIB detection | Wireless
Delivered tomorrow
Beurer BC 54 Blood pressure gauge for wrist
Compatible with smartphone / apps | AFIB detection | None one-button operation
Delivered tomorrow
Omron RS3 Intelli IT Blood pressure gauge for wrist
Compatible with smartphone / apps | None AFIB detection | Wireless
Temporarily sold out
Beurer BC 51 Blood pressure gauge for wrist
Not compatible with smartphone / apps | AFIB detection | None one-button operation
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