How do you put Xbox Series X|S games on an external HDD or SSD?
Play Xbox Series X / S games in 3 steps
Step 1. Format the HDD or SSD
Step 2. Transfer games to the HDD or SSD
Step 3. Transfer your games back to the Xbox
Step 1: format the HDD or SSD
Switch on your Xbox Series X or S and connect your HDD or SSD via the USB port. When your console detects the drive, you'll see a pop-up window on your screen. Click 'Format storage device'. Make sure the drive is empty, because the Xbox wipes all data from the drive while formatting. Enter a name for the drive and click 'Next'. In the next pop-up screen, indicate where you want to store the games you just downloaded. Click 'Keep current location' and then 'Format storage device'. Your HDD or SSD is now ready for use. Formatting takes about 10 seconds.
Step 2: transfer games to the HDD or SSD
Press the Xbox button and go to your games and apps via the menu. Find the game you want to transfer and press the display button on your controller. Click 'Move or copy. Select the games you want to transfer and conform you're moving them to an external hard drive. Because you can't play your Xbox Series X / S games from an external HDD or SSD, you'll get a notification. Click 'Next' and then 'Move selected'. Wait for the game(s) to transfer, and you're done.
Step 3: transfer games to the Xbox from the HDD or SSD
Because you can't play Xbox Series X / S games directly from an external HDD or SSD, you have to transfer them back to the console. Press the Xbox button and go to 'Profile and system' in the menu. Go to 'Settings', select 'System', and click 'Storage devices'. Choose your connected HDD or SSD here and transfer your games in the same way. Click the display button, then 'Move or copy' and wait for the HDD or SSD to transfer.
Which Xbox games can you play directly from a hard drive?
You should only transfer Xbox Series X / S games from your Xbox Series X / S to your hard drive and vice versa. That's because of the read speed and write speed of an external HDD or SSD. This is slower than the internal storage of the Xbox Series X / S, so the stored data doesn't sync with the game. But, you can play Xbox One, Xbox 360, and original Xbox games directly from a connected HDD or SSD. So store all your old games on the hard drive to create more space on your Xbox Series X / S, for example.
How do you connect an Xbox Series X / S Expansion Card?
For the Xbox Series X / S Expansion Card, you have to go through a couple of different steps. Update your Xbox firmware so you have the latest version. Then, reboot your console. Insert the Expansion Card into the designated slot on the back of your Xbox, and you're done. You'll get a notification asking you whether you use the Expansion Card just with this console or with multiple consoles. Don't worry, the Expansion Card isn't tied to 1 console only. You can log in to your account with a different console. That way, you can continue gaming at a friend's house or on a tournament.