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Written by Sanne

Tips for taking the best street photo

You want to capture the street life during a city trip or vacation. In this article, you can read how to do this. Based on useful tips, you can take the most beautiful street photo that won't look out of place in your living room.

Tip 1: check the laws and regulations

laws and regulations

Generally speaking, you're free to take photos of anything on the streets and in public areas. When you go into a building, you should follow the rules of that building. When you publish street photos with people on it, it's a little more complex. Someone may object the publication. That's why you should think about possible objections from the people in your photo first. Often, you'll be able to publish the photo without a problem. If you're in doubt, just ask permission.

Tip 2: choose the right color

Choose the right color

The ambiance of the image determines the color of the photo. If you're taking a photo of a street filled with happy foodtrucks, you want to show as much color as possible. You'll include a colored wall or people too in that case. With a more urban street photo, you can choose black and white. This adds a little character to the photo. Photographers that use editing programs will first take photos in color and decide if black and white is nicer at the end.

Tip 3: walk around first

Walk around first

Take some time to look around before you take a photo. What are the stories that are being told? Look for as many ways as possible to show the character of the location. Special contrasts also make the image more interesting. Think about the difference between poor and rich, or between all ages. Look for fun details in the streets. This may be nice graffiti on a wall or a nice bird on the edge of a roof.

Tip 4: be flexible

Be flexible

A street image often changes every minute. Traffic passes by, and different people will walk by all the time. The weather sometimes causes changes too. That's why you should always be flexible when you take photos of the streets. Don't be to fixated on one thing, let yourself be surprised. Be open for the changes you see and use them in your photos.

Tip 5: create and interesting composition

Interesting composition

With the right composition, your photo becomes a lot more attractive to the eye. A look-through is a useful trick for creating an interesting composition. For example, look into the street you want to photograph from a small alley. Or, capture the interior of a cosy cafe from the other side of the street. You can also use the viewing lines to focus on something.

Article by:
Sanne Camera Expert.
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