Written by Marijn

Get started with your solar panels

Congratulations on your own solar roof! In this article, you can read 5 tips on how to be well-prepared for generating your own green energy. That way, you get the most out of your solar panels.

5 tips for your solar roof

Solar roofs

With the following tips, you can get the most out of your solar roof.

  • Tip 1. Register your solar panels
  • Tip 2. Request a new energy label
  • Tip 3. Use as much of your own solar power as possible
  • Tip 4. Register for the Buddy Bonus
  • Tip 5. Save even more with your house

Tip 1: register your solar panels

Customer behind laptop

It's important to register your solar panels with your network operator as soon as possible. The network operator checks if your energy meter is suitable for feed-in. Go to Energieleveren.nl and enter your information.

Tip 2: request a new energy label

Solar roof on house

With solar panels on your roof, your house becomes more energy-efficient. This has a positive effect on the energy label of your house, which increases the value. Want to move soon or are you going to set a new mortgage rate? First request a new energy label. The costs for this differ per city and municipality.

Tip 3: use as much of your own solar power as possible

Family cooking

It's becoming more and more important that you use the power you generated yourself as much as possible. Turn on your washing machine or charge your electric car on a sunny afternoon, for example. That way, you use your own energy right away and save more on your energy bill.

Tip 4: register for the Buddy Bonus

Coolblue Energy in the store

Are your neighbors, friends, or colleagues also enthusiastic about solar panels? If they also choose a solar roof from Coolblue Energy, you both receive € 200 CoolblueCredit. You can use this discount for your next purchase on Coolblue.nl.

Tip 5: save even more with your house

Family in the kitchen

In addition to generating your own energy, there are more ways to save energy. You can do so with a charging station, an affordable energy contract, or a heat pump. At Coolblue Energy, we're happy to advice you on your next step to a lower energy bill. That way, you save energy with a smile.

Article by:
Marijn Solar Panel Expert.