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Sustainable Nokia smartphones

Sustainable Nokia smartphones

  • 6 mobile phones

A sustainable Nokia smartphone is made of recycled materials and has a long lifespan. You receive 3-years of warranty and software and security updates from Nokia. Choose the Nokia G42 or Nokia G22 if you like to repair your smartphone yourself. These Nokia smartphones have replaceable parts. You can buy sustainable Nokia smartphones at Coolblue as a separate device.

Nokia G42 128GB Gray 5G Sustainable Nokia smartphone
128 GB storage | Speed good | Color gray
Delivered tomorrow
Nokia G42 128GB Black 5G + Just In Case Tempered Glass Screen Protector Sustainable Nokia smartphone
0 reviews
128 GB storage | Speed good | Color black
Delivered tomorrow
Nokia G22 128GB Gray 4G Sustainable Nokia smartphone
128 GB storage | Speed standard | Color gray
Delivered tomorrow
Nokia G42 128GB Black 5G + BlueBuilt USB-C Cable 1.5m Nylon Black Sustainable Nokia smartphone
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128 GB storage | Speed good | Color black
Delivered tomorrow
Nokia G42 128GB Purple 5G Sustainable Nokia smartphone
128 GB storage | Speed good | Color purple
Temporarily sold out
Nokia G22 256GB Gray 4G Sustainable Nokia smartphone
256 GB storage | Speed standard | Color gray
No longer available
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