11 results
Bread knife, chef's knife, Santoku knife, kitchen knife, paring knife
| Including knife block
| Plastic handle
Our choice for a complete knife set
Chef's knife, bread knife, Santoku knife, paring knife, and tomato knife
| For meat, vegetables, fruit, spices, bread, and tomatoes
| Includes knife block
| Stainless steel hilt
Koksmes, broodmes, santokumes, officemes en tomatenmes
| Voor vlees, groenten, fruit, kruiden, brood en tomaten
| Inclusief messenblok
| Rvs heft
Bread knife
| chef's knife
| carving knife
| vegetable knife
| peeler
| Including knife block
| Plastic handle
Chef's knife 2x, carving knife, bread knife, kitchen knife, paring knife, Santoku knife, honing steel
| For meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, herbs, and bread
| Including knife block
| Plastic hilt
For meat, fish, vegetables and herbs
| Stainless steel handle
| Hardness of 56-57 Rockwell
| Japanese cut
52 HRC
| Blade length 16.5cm
| European sharpened
For meat, fish, vegetables and herbs
| Plastic handle
| Hardness of 56-57 Rockwell
| European cut
For meat, fish, vegetables and herbs
| Made of stainless steel
| Hardness of 56-57 Rockwell
| Japanese cut
For bread and soft food
| Stainless steel handle
| Hardness of 56-57 Rockwell
| Japanese cut
Separate knife
| Hardness of 55 - 58 Rockwell
| Blade length 15cm
| European cut