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Chinese fondue sets

Chinese fondue sets

  • 2 fondue sets

A Chinese fondue pot, known in China as huo guo, is usually larger than the pan of a meat fondue set. That's because it's traditionally used for birthdays and other parties in China. Ingredients like meat, vegetables and noodles are left in the pan to boil, then scooped out with nets to be eaten with sauce. The Chinese fondue set is available with an electric underframe or with a gas burner.

Tefal Fondue Inox & Design EF2658 Chinese fondue set
8 people | Dishwasher-safe | 1,5 l L
In stock
Tristar PZ-9131 Chinese fondue set
0 reviews
4 people | Not dishwasher-safe | 3 l L
In stock

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