Headphones and speakers in our store in Amsterdam Zuidas
Headphones and speakers in our store in Amsterdam Zuidas
- 96 results
Before you come to the store, you want to know which products there are. We completely understand, so we've listed them all. On this page, you'll find all headphones, earbuds, and speakers you can listen to in Amsterdam Zuidas.
| Large (25 - 40cm)
| Touch controls
24-hour battery life
| Built-in power bank
| IP67 certification
17-hour battery life
| Water resistant
| 360-degree design
Our choice for a compact Bluetooth speaker
| IP67 certification
| 10-hour battery life
Affordable Second Chance
12-hour battery life
| Compact (10 - 20cm)
| Dust and waterproof
| Medium-sized (15 - 25cm)
| Built-in Google Assistant