What's a Bosch dryer with a selfCleaning condenser?
Less cleaning
You spend less time on maintenance with a Bosch dryer with a selfCleaning condenser. The washing machine rinses the condenser with the remaining moisture from your laundry. This means that you'll have less cleaning work and your laundry will dry better. That's because the hot air reaches your wet clothes better with a clean condenser.
You save energy costs
With the Bosch selfCleaning condenser, you have less maintenance and save energy costs. Your clothes dry better and faster with a clean condenser, so the dryer cycle never runs longer than necessary. This saves time, but also keeps the energy consumption as low as possible. This means that a self-cleaning condenser ensures that the appliance always works energy-efficiently. With an A+++ dryer, you can save up to € 115 on energy costs.