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Written by Chiara

How do you choose the right door system for your built-in dishwasher?

You need to choose a door system for your built-in dishwasher. This refers to how you attach the front panel of your kitchen to the dishwasher. There are 2 types of hinge systems, namely a sliding door system and a door-on-door system. In this article, we'll explain the differences between these 2 systems and which one suits you best.

Choose dishwasher door system

Choose door system

To choose the right door system for your dishwasher, ask yourself the questions below. Do you want to replace the dishwasher of your current kitchen? We recommend to choose the door system that you have in your kitchen now.

  • Do you want a sliding door or door-on-door system?
  • What is your baseboard height?
  • Do you have an IKEA kitchen?

Do you want a sliding door system or door-on-door system?

Sliding door system

Sliding door system

With a sliding door system, the front panel is attached to the dishwasher door with a guide. This allows the panel to slide upwards when you open the dishwasher. Space opens up at the bottom of the dishwasher and the door can move freely. A sliding door system always fits.

Door-on-door system

Door-on-door system

With a door-on-door system, the front panel is attached directly onto the door of the dishwasher. The panel doesn't move when you open the dishwasher. As a result, this system integrates more seamlessly into your kitchen. Does your current built-in dishwasher have this system? We recommend to choose the same door system.

What's the height of your baseboard?

Baseboard height less than 9cm

Baseboard height: less than 9cm

In order to determine the right door system, you have to consider the baseboard height. If your baseboard is lower than 9cm, you can choose both a door-on-door system and a sliding door system.

Baseboard height 9cm or more

Baseboard height: 9cm or more

Is your baseboard 9cm or higher? In that case, you can only place a built-in dishwasher with a sliding door system in your kitchen.

Do you have an IKEA kitchen?

IKEA kitchen

Looking for a new dishwasher for in your IKEA kitchen? There are 2 types of IKEA kitchens, namely METOD and FAKTUM. In our advice article, you can read about the differences between these 2 types and which one you have. You can only place a fully-integrated dishwasher in an IKEA kitchen.

Article by:
Chiara Dishwasher Expert.
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