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Written by Andrea

Which type of garden hose suits you?

There are different types of garden hoses, like the standard garden hose, the flexible garden hose, and the drip hose. These garden hoses are quite similar, but there are some important differences. For example, you can't use every hose for the every job. In addition, not every type of garden hose has a storage system and not every hose is extensible. We'll explain the differences here.

Comparison between standard garden hoses, flexible garden hoses, and drip hoses

Properties Standard garden hose Flexible hoses Drip hoses
Usage situation Water garden, fill a pool or pond, connect to high-pressure cleaner Water garden, fill a pool or pond Water flower beds and bushes automatically
Option for a storage system Yes No No
Extensible material No Yes No

Usage situation

Standard garden hose

Standard garden hose: for all jobs

You can water all plants, bushes, and lawns with a standard garden hose. Use a special attachment suitable for the job. For example, you can use a sprinkles for your lawn and a spray nozzle for your flower beds. You can also connect standard garden hoses to a high-pressure cleaner and use them to easily fill a pool or pond with water.

  • You can use this garden hose for almost all jobs.
  • You can connect a standard garden hose to a high-pressure cleaner as well.
Flexible garden hose

Flexible garden hose: for standard jobs

You can use a flexible garden hose for most jobs in your garden. Just like with a standard garden hose, you can use different attachments on the hose. That way, you can easily water your flower beds or fill the pond with water. You can't use a flexible garden hose with a high-pressure cleaner, because it can't handle as much pressure.

  • You can use a flexible garden hose for most common jobs.
Irrigation hose

Drip hose: for automatic watering of flower beds and bushes

Contrary to standard garden hoses and flexible garden hoses, you can't connect a fitting to the drip hose. You place drip hoses in your garden, after which they automatically drip water into your garden. That way, you can water bushes and flower beds without having to hold the hose yourself.

  • You don't have to hold the hose yourself, the water drips out of the small holes automatically.

Store garden hose

Store standard garden hose

Standard garden hose: different storage systems

Many standard garden hoses come in a storage system. Think about a reel, a wall reel, or a hose cart. This allows you to roll up the garden hose quickly and without any kinks. A hose with storage system also takes up less space, because it's stored rolled-up.

  • You can store the garden hose quickly and kink-free.
  • A hose with storage system takes up little space in the shed.
Store flexible garden hose

Flexible garden hose: no storage system

You can't store flexible garden hoses with a storage system. You have to roll up the hose yourself and store it in the garden or shed like that. Many flexible garden hoses shrink when there's no water flowing through. This allows you to store it in a compact way.

  • If the flexible hose is extensible, it takes up less space.
  • The hose doesn't come in a storage system, so you have to roll it up yourself.
Store drip hose

Drip hose: no storage system

You can't store drip hoses in a storage system. The hose also doesn't shrink when there's no water flowing through. As a result, the hose takes up a lot of space in the shed.

  • The hose doesn't come in a storage system, so you have to roll it up yourself.
  • Drip hoses don't shrink after use, so they take up a lot of space.


Material standard garden hose

Standard garden hose: retains its shape and non-extensible

Most standard garden hoses are made of sturdy and hard material, like PVC. Thanks to this, a high water pressure isn't a problem. Useful, because the garden hose won't snap when you open the faucet all the way. Standard garden hoses also retain their shape. As a result, the hose always has the same size, even when you're not using it.

  • Standard garden hoses made of PVC are very strong and don't break easily.
  • A standard garden hose doesn't shrink when you're not using it, so it takes up more space.
Material flexible garden hoses

Flexible garden hose: flexible fabric and often extensible

Flexible garden hoses are made of fabric. Thanks to this, they never get kinks and can easily bend around obstacles in your garden. Flexible hoses by Hozelock are extensible. This makes them double in size when water flows through. The hose shrinks again when you're not using it. Flexible garden hoses made of fabric are less strong than standard garden hoses. Due to this, they can't withstand water pressure as well.

  • Flexible garden hoses by Hozelock shrink when you're not using them, which saves space.
  • Thanks to the flexible material, kinks never occur in the hose.
Material drip hoses

Drip hose: non-extensible

Just like a flexible garden hose, a drip hose is very bendable. You can easily lay the hose in bends throughout the garden. Contrary to flexible hoses, drip hoses are never extensible. This means they don't shrink and grow, and always stay the same size. Drip hoses often lay in the garden for a longer time period. This isn't a problem thanks to the sturdy material, because they don't wear soon.

  • Thanks to the flexible material, kinks never occur in the hose.
  • A drip hose doesn't shrink when you're not using it, so it takes up more space.
Article by:
Andrea Garden Hose Expert.
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