Steam generators
Steam generators
- 34 irons
Steam comes out of the soleplate under higher pressure with steam generators in comparison to steam irons. That's useful to smooth your stubborn creases more easily. Thanks to the large water tank, you can also iron for a long time, which is ideal for large families with a lot of ironing. Do remember that a steam generator is larger than an iron. You need a specific ironing board and enough storage space.
Our choice for an optimal ironing result
Color Purple, White
Anti-limescale system limescale collector
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Our choice for a steam generator for daily laundry
Color black
Anti-limescale system limescale collector
Temperature and steam setting options
Color purple
Anti-limescale system limescale collector
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Color silver
Anti-limescale system cleaning program
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Color multicolored
Anti-limescale system cleaning program
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Color blue
Anti-limescale system limescale collector
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Color gray
Anti-limescale system cleaning program
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Affordable Second Chance
Color blue
Anti-limescale system limescale collector
Temperature and steam setting options
Affordable Second Chance
Color purple
Anti-limescale system limescale collector
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Affordable Second Chance
Color blue
Anti-limescale system cleaning program
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Color blue
Anti-limescale system limescale collector
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Color Red, White
Anti-limescale system cleaning program
Temperature and steam setting options
Affordable Second Chance
Color blue
Anti-limescale system limescale collector
Temperature and steam setting options
Affordable Second Chance
Color purple
Anti-limescale system cleaning program
Temperature and steam setting manually
Affordable Second Chance
Color black
Anti-limescale system limescale collector
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Color purple
Anti-limescale system cleaning program
Temperature and steam setting options
Color green
Anti-limescale system limescale collector
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Color multicolored
Anti-limescale system limescale collector
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Affordable Second Chance
Color red
Anti-limescale system limescale collector
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Color red
Anti-limescale system limescale collector
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Color purple
Anti-limescale system self-cleaning
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Color blue
Anti-limescale system cleaning program
Temperature and steam setting automatic
Advice on steam generators
Can't choose? View the advice from our expert.