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Written by Kasper

Compare a PC with HDD to a PC with SSD

When purchasing a PC you have roughly the choice between 2 types of hard disk: the HDD and the SSD. The chance that you are the best with an SSD is pretty big, but for good reason the HDD is still sold. Time for a comparison between a PC with HDD and a PC with SSD.

In short

What type of storage do you choose? PC with HDD PC with SSD
Do you want your PC to start up in 15 seconds? No Yes
Do you want a lot of storage for little money? Yes No
Do you want a hard drive that can take a beating? No Yes

Boot time

A hard drive (HDD).

The boot speed of a PC with HDD

A laptop with HDD sometimes puts your patience to the test. Starting up can take a minute or even longer. And if you think that is not that bad, count now in your head to 60. That took quite a long time, right?

A SanDisk Ultra II SSD.

The startup speed of a laptop with SSD

The short start-up speeds are by far the biggest advantage of an SSD in your laptop. Turn on your notebook and about 15 seconds later it is ready for use. Loading programs, files or games often does not even take more than a few seconds.

The price

A Seagate hard drive (HDD).

The price of an HDD

The small price tag is the biggest plus of the HDD. For relatively little money you get a lot of memory. For 100 euros you get about 2000 GB of HDD storage space.

A HyperX SSD.

The price of an SSD

An SSD costs you a lot more than an HDD. This is partly due to the fact that SSD is the newer form of storage technology, which is still under development. For 100 euros you get about 200 GB of SSD storage space.


A closeup of the turntable in a hard disk (HDD).

The durability of an HDD

The fast rotating parts of an HDD (5400 or 7200 revolutions per minute are the most common speeds) are much more susceptible to wear. And if your laptop makes a smack once, the chance that your data is gone forever with an HDD is greater.

SanDisk SSD plus.

The durability of an SSD

There are no moving parts in an SSD, which makes this type of storage much more durable and less susceptible to technical defects. The chance that your files will be saved at the time your laptop falls is much larger with an SSD.

Energy consumption

A hard drive (HDD) with half empty battery icon.

The energy consumption of an HDD

The rotating parts of the HDD require more energy and that is at the expense of the battery life. In addition, the rotating parts produce sound and produce heat, which you can hear or feel through the housing of your laptop.

An SSD with full battery icon.

The energy consumption of an SSD

The lack of moving parts ensures that an SSD consumes less energy than an HDD. In other words: if you have a laptop with an SSD, the battery life will suffer less.


Do you want a lot of storage, but do not pay much for an SSD with a lot of storage capacity? Then it is wise to look at a PC with both an SSD and HDD. Your system and programs will still start at lightning speed. Files such as films, music and documents are stored on the slower HDD. So you have a fast computer and lots of storage capacity.


An SSD makes your computer fast, can take a beating, is no energy eater and is in many cases the best choice as a hard drive. Only: that price tag can sometimes disappoint. If a desktop with an SSD does not fit your budget or you want a lot of storage space for a reasonable price, the 'HDD pc' will remain an interesting option. Do you already have a PC with an HDD? Then it may be interesting to replace the HDD with an SSD. Especially if your computer is already a bit older or starts to feel slower. Because the switch from HDD to SSD often makes your computer feel like the day you bought it.

Article by:
Kasper Desktop Expert.
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