What kind of beard growth do you have?
How do I recognize light beard growth?
Light beard growth consists mostly of thin and soft hair. Beard hair may differ in color, and it doesn't grow evenly. Your beard grows mostly on your jawline and contours, while there's usually no sign of beard hair on your cheeks. Do you have light beard growth? Use an electric shaver without too much power, so you don't unnecessarily stress your skin.
How do I recognize moderate beard growth?
Average beard growth is most common. Your beard hair is often thicker, but still soft. The growth line is more even, but it's not a full beard. With this type of beard growth, you could grow a nice beard in 3 days. Every electric shaver is suitable for average beard growth.
How do I recognize heavy beard growth
Heavy beard growth consists of thick, firm hairs. The growth is very even and covers the entire jawline, often extending deeply into the neck. If you have heavy beard growth, it means you can grow a large, full beard. Electric shavers for heavy beard growth have a lot of power, so you can use it to smoothly shave your beard hair.
How do you trim your beard?
Sometimes, you want to grow your beard instead of shaving it off. In that case, we recommend an electric shaver with a beard trimmer attachment. This allows you to trim your beard hair and style your beard. A beard trimmer attachment is also useful when you want to shave your beard if you have average or heavy beard growth. That way, you first trim the longest hairs to make your shave more comfortable.