Smart plugs
Smart plugs
- 31 power plugs
With a smart plug, you save energy as your prevent standby consumption. Simply place the smart plug into a regular socket, and then plug a lamp or other device into the smart plug. This makes it possible to control this connected device remotely. Some smart plugs have a remote, and other smart plugs can be controlled via an app on your smartphone. So choose which option you prefer before your purchase.
Measures energy consumption
3680 W
None bridge required for WiFi connection
Stekker measures energy consumption
2300 W
Stekker measures energy consumption
2300 W
Stekker measures energy consumption
Bluetooth, KlikAanKlikUit (CoCo), WiFi
2300 W
Affordable Second Chance
Measures energy consumption
Bluetooth, WiFi
2300 W
Measures energy consumption
Bluetooth, WiFi
2300 W
Measures energy consumption
Bluetooth, WiFi
2300 W